2017年7月31日 星期一

Pictures on silver leaves – Taiwan souvenir

Two leaves of s. sebiferum were turned into their corresponding silver sculptures by using silver. Moreover, a red “heart” picture was on each silver leaf. It is not written on the leaf. The picture is a part of each silver leaf. As shown in the following pictures, owing to the bright of the polished leaves, the heart picture was not clear. After some tarnish of these leaves, the red-heart pictures will be appeared.

2017年7月21日 星期五

New Silver Leaf – Taiwanese Souvenir

Pure silver has tarnish, hence my silver leaf needs nitrogen protection. To reduce the tarnish, a new silver alloy was developed in my lab. The silver alloy contains 92.5 % silver and has low-tarnish characteristic. As shown in the following picture, a leaf of Taiwan-Wild-Grape was turned into its corresponding new-silver leaf. No tarnish was happened during the last two months in air.

2017年7月11日 星期二

Silver-metal painting (9) – Taiwanese souvenir

According to lunar year, this year is the year of chicken, hence I like to paint colored cocks. As shown in the following picture, a colored cock was painted on a ceramic tile.

2017年7月2日 星期日

Silver-metal painting (8) – Taiwanese souvenir

The attitude of a ballet dancer is very beautiful. Therefore, another female ballet dancer was painted as a silver painting on a stainless steel sheet. As shown in the following picture, the dancer has an attractive attitude.